How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor? Quiz

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor? Quiz

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How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?
  • 1.

    Do you have any experience wrestling?

    9 questions remain

  • 2.

    How tall are you?

    8 questions remain

  • 3.

    How high can you jump?

    7 questions remain

  • 4.

    Do you panic at the sight of blood?

    6 questions remain

  • 5.

    If the velociraptor lunged at you, what would you be most likely to do?

    5 questions remain

  • 6.

    Do you have any experience with boxing or martial arts?

    4 questions remain

  • 7.

    Have you ever fought a dangerous animal before, such as a rabid dog or grizzly bear?

    3 questions remain

  • 8.

    If you had a choice, where would you prefer to be?

    2 questions remain

  • 9.

    Do you know any sleeper holds or choking techniques?

    1 questions remain

  • 10.

    If the raptor bit off one of your arms, which would you be most likely to do?

    final question!