Are your loved ones plotting to eat you? Quiz

Are your loved ones plotting to eat you? Quiz

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Are your loved ones plotting to eat you?

Are your loved ones plotting to eat you?

Are your loved ones plotting to eat you?
  • 1.

    Do your friends, family, or loved ones ever encourage you to eat more?

    14 questions remain

  • 2.

    Do they ever spit a little while they are talking to you? (note: this is probably because they are salivating heavily)

    13 questions remain

  • 3.

    How often do they stay up later than you?

    12 questions remain

  • 4.

    How old are you?

    11 questions remain

  • 5.

    Do they cook dinner for you?

    10 questions remain

  • 6.

    What's your body like?

    9 questions remain

  • 7.

    Do your loved ones ever stare at you while rubbing their bellies?

    8 questions remain

  • 8.

    Do your loved ones often buy excessive amounts of condiments, such as a gallon of nacho cheese from costco?

    7 questions remain

  • 9.

    Have you ever been asked to clean the oven, fireplace, or chimney?

    6 questions remain

  • 10.

    Do your loved ones often try to convince you to go camping with them?

    5 questions remain

  • 11.

    If you did go camping, did they ever "accidentally" try to push you into the campfire?

    4 questions remain

  • 12.

    Does anyone in your house own a hacksaw, chainsaw, or large butcher knife?

    3 questions remain

  • 13.

    Have they ever bitten you? (even in a playful way)

    2 questions remain

  • 14.

    Have you ever found your bed sheets soaked in a delicious peppercorn marinade?

    1 questions remain

  • 15.

    Have your friends or loved ones ever wrapped you in bacon, claiming it was going to exfoliate your skin?

    final question!