Abandoned Comic: Hamster Atonement

Abandoned Comic: Hamster Atonement

An abandoned comic which became un-abandoned.

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Abandoned Comic: Hamster Atonement

Sometimes I draw comics and never publish them because I don't think they're funny enough. This was one of those comics. Rather than just letting it sit untouched for all eternity in the ~/comics/ folder on my computer, however, I figured I'd stick it on the blog.

Update: Alright what the hell people... I launched this comic expecting a bunch of comments agreeing with me that it lacked the Oatmeal LOLmagics, but the response has been really positive and traffic to it has been blowing up. I sometimes show my comics to my friends before I post them online, so I can get a bit of feedback. The response from my friends was an overall "meh", so I decided not to post this one. Moral of the story: my friends are penis pumps. Looks like I'll be sticking it in /comics after all. :D

Hamster Atonement - by The Oatmeal
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